Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that dates back thousands of years. The treatment can help with everything from pain management, migraines, and even skin conditions. Board-certified acupuncturist, Elon Cameron is one of the founders of Imagine Health in Traverse City. She not only has a pa...
Acupuncture plus herbs confirmed effective with serum blood level improvements for rheumatoid arthritis patients.
More than just frighteningly long needles, acupuncture has been used as a remedy to restore and support good health for thousands of years.
There's good evidence that acupuncture helps reduce pain.
Why Acupuncture Works: A roadmap to healing — by Michael Braunstein There is a single, irrefutable fact that Western medicine recognizes but virtually ignores when it comes to healing: That is, that the body is nothing more than a ball of energy, with interactive frequencies and amplitudes determi...
17 Hanover Road, Suite #230
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Phone: (973) 476-2865
Email: [email protected]
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Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that dates back thousands of years. The treatment can help with everything from…
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Tuesday | 9:30am - 7pm |
Wednesday | 9:30am - 7pm |
Thursday | 9:30am - 7pm |
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